Datum: 28/05/2016
Damme Golf Charity Cup
Save the Date - 28-29/05/2016
On 28 and 29 May 2016 we will organise the 2nd edition of the Damme Golf Charity Cup. The 1st edition was an immediate success thanks to the sponsors, the enthusiastic participants and of course the very nice weather.
The benefits of the Damme Golf Charity Cup will be offered to Michaël Van Waeyenberge Fund as a national project and Habbekrats as a regional project. A local project will be referred to by Mr. Joachim Coens, representative of Damme in the association Damme Golf Charity Cup.
Registrations will be possible by iGolf and through the new registration form on the website of Damme Golf Charity Cup for the Damme Golf Charity Cup, the initiations, the receptions and dinners. Given the limited number of places for the Charity Cup and dinners, the registration is confirmed after the payment is received.
For more information and registration: click here