How to support us?
1. You can transfer money to the Belgian bank account IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404 BIC: BPOTBEB1 of the King Baudouin Foundation and mention “181/0650/00082”. If you give 40 euro or more in the same year, your generosity will also be deductible fiscally. The King Baudouin Foundation will send you a certification of your contribution within Belgium latest by March of the following year.
2. You can become a godfather or godmother of the fund by transferring money to IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404 BIC: BPOTBEB1 and mention “181/0650/00082 MVW Fonds - Peter/Meter". If you do not disagree, your name will be added to our list of godfathers and godmothers.
3. If you plan to organize a party or some other activity and you expect that your friends will give you flowers or gifts you do not wish to be burdened with, you can prefer to support leukemia patients trough the Michael Van Waeyenberge Fund. You can find an example text for an invitation here.