Fundraising activities
Here is an overview of our plannend and past activities.
Dear family and friends,
After six months of intense preparation, I am thrilled to be in the final stretch towards the New York Marathon on Sunday, November 3rd. I will be running this marathon with my wonderful husband Michael, in support of the Michaël Van Waeyenberge fund.
Michael would have turned 42 in April 2025, and I am now 42 years old. I would like to honour him by running 42 km.
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The Royal Zoute Golf Club Michael Van Waeyenberge Fonds Charity Cup takes place on Thursday 12 September 2024
There is a Knocke plan and a Zoute plan. For the golf players on Zoute plan please be 10 min beforehand in order to be able to start on time. Both courses are par 68. The "usual" championship and executive course are mixed into two "unique" courses called Knocke course and Zoute course.
plan KNOCKE-plan.pdf
plan ZOUTE-plan.pdf - Please be min. 10 min in advance
You can find the flight times on the following links:

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Royal Zoute Golf Club Michael Van Waeyenberge Fonds Charity Cup - Friday 22 September 2023
There is a Knocke plan and a Zoute plan. For the golf players on Zoute plan please be 10 min beforehand in order to be able to start on time. Both courses are par 68. The "usual" championship and executive course are mixed into two "unique" courses called Knocke course and Zoute course.
plan KNOCKE-plan.pdf
plan ZOUTE-plan.pdf - Please be min. 10 min in advance

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Christmas market CWART on the 3rd and 4th of December for Michael Van Waeyenberge Fonds

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Please Save-the-date for the Royal Zoute Golf Club Michael Van Waeyenberge Fonds Charity Cup on Friday 23 September 2022
Attached you can find the start times of the different flights. There is a Knocke plan and a Zoute plan. For the golf players on Zoute plan please be 10 min beforehand in order to be able to start on time. Both courses are par 68. The "usual" championship and executive course are mixed into two "unique" courses called Knocke course and Zoute course.
Starting times of Knocke: competition-Knocke.pdf with plan KNOCKE-plan.pdf
Starting times of Zoute: competition-Zoute.pdf with plan ZOUTE-plan.pdf - Please be min. 10 min in advance

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Charity Golf Cup organized by Dupont Partners on Sunday 18 September 2022 in Golf du Château de la Bawette
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The Despriet family, the Linkens family and the Van Doorslaer family hand over the check at the UZ Gasthuisberg in Leuven for the attention of leukemia patients. The purchase of VR glasses can now be realized so that the leukemia patients can be distracted in the event of unpleasant injections, examinations or treatments.
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The Charity Golf Cup 2019 is fully subscribed. The registration has been closed. You can find the start times on our website.

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Save the Date - 18-19/05/2019
On 18 and 19 May 2019 we will organise the 5th edition of the Damme Golf Charity Cup.
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Dear family and friends,
After 1.5 years of hard training, I’m running the Rotterdam marathon on the 7th of April for the MVW fondation.
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On 9 and 10 June 2018 we will organise the 4th edition of the Damme Golf Charity Cup.
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On 20 and 21 May 2017 we will organise the 3th edition of the Damme Golf Charity Cup.
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Come and join us to encourage our Belgian team to the final and help the Michael Van Waeyenberge Fonds to fight Leukemia on Saturday 18 June 2016 start at 12pm in Knokke.
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On 28 and 29 May 2016 we will organise the 2nd edition of the Damme Golf Charity Cup. The 1st edition was an immediate success thanks to the sponsors, the enthusiastic participants and of course the very nice weather.
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Thanks to the great success of ZOOTROPOLIS, all tickets are sold out and we closed the registration. The Michael Van Waeyenberge Fund wants to thank you for the large attendance and your generous support which makes it possible to continue our fight against leukemia.
We look forward to welcoming you at 14h in the Kinepolis Gent - Ter Platen 12 9000 Gent.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
We invite you also to our next activity "EK Red Devlis for Leukemia " on Saturday, June 18th, 2016 in Knokke. More info will follow later.
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by Jean-Paul & Sylvie Waelkens – Mourisse en Philippe & Grace Tack – Van Beselaere
Voor het nieuwste initiatief trekken de gangmakers letterlijk naar het uiteinde van de wereldbol om er op Antarctica de marathon te lopen. Nu, dat mag gerust beschouwd worden als een ode aan Michaël Van Waeyenberge. De marathon zal wellicht letterlijk door de kou adembenemend zijn, maar ook de omgeving zal dat figuurlijk even zeer zijn.
(Interview Jean Paul Waelkens: Dutch, French)
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Willy Verhegghe publiceerde 25 dichtbundels, een roman en een bloemlezing met sportgedichten uit Nederland en Vlaanderen. Hij is stadsdichter van Ninove en geniet vooral bekendheid met zijn poëzie over en ten bate van mentaal gehandicapten, de mijnramp van Marcinelle en de wielersport. Hij wordt algemeen erkend als de meest uitgesproken sociaal geëngageerde dichter van ons taalgebied.
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