Datum: 06/11/2011
Marathon update:
Mike finished in 3h 11min 57sec, resulting in place 2.316 on 47.000 participants!
Dear family,
Dear friends,
On the 6th of November 2011 I’m running the New York marathon. I’m running the marathon to support the fight against leukaemia, a fight that my brother-in-law Michael Van Waeyenberge lost just before his 18th birthday 10 years ago.
When you think about a marathon, the words perseverance, endurance, sufferance, pain, preparation and discipline go through your mind. This is what a leukaemia patient experiences tenfold during long chemotherapies and months away from home in the hospital. It was Michael’s dream to create a charity fund to support leukaemia patients and their families therapeutically, financially and psychologically. His parents, brother and sisters have founded the Michaël Van Waeyenberge foundation (www.mvwfonds.be) which has been active for 10 years.
By running the marathon in New York I’m very happy and honoured to be able to contribute to Michael’s dream. You can support the Michaël Van Waeyenberge foundation by donating to account number of the King Baudouin Fondation 000-0000004-04 with structured mention ***181/0650/03015*** (Fiscal receipts are available as from 30€). For international transfers please find the details below.
I would like to thank my wife Giulia and my two boys Edouard & Maxime, as well as my family for the patience and support they’ve given so far and will give during the next two months. I’ve been training for this event for the past 6 months and I hope to break 3 hours and 30 min and this on my 30th birthday...
The finish is important, but your enthusiasm and help are as equally.
Thank you very much in advance for your generous contribution.
Warm regards,
Michael Saverys
International wire transfer
Account number: 000-0000004-04
Bank: Bank van de post
Address: Koloniënstraat 56 (P28) - 1000 Brussel
IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404
Mention: R10650.030 : -Fonds Michael Van Waeyenberge (Marathon NY 6/11/2011 - Michael Saverys)